Training program


Our training program is based on the shared vision for development of Marcel Zadi Kessy, former president of the «Conseil Economique et Social (CES) de la Côte d’Ivoire». This vision focuses on the fact that development must start from the individual himself and the smallest basic unit of society that is to say the household.

Message from Marcel ZADI KESSY

  • «Problems that are common to all in Africa are very real and of tangible significance. To find a final and lasting solution to the ills which are: poverty, underdevelopment, epidemics or recurrent pandemics, high infant mortality, lack of care, education and infrastructure, not to mention the endemic corruption is obvious.

    To save Africa from its multiple calamities is an absolute need for any developed person of good will and conscious of his fellows human beings. But even more for any responsible person conscious of the intricacies of the current globalization.

    The misfortune of some will not forever contribute to the happiness of others, the interdependence of the nations of the world is now a reality to be reckoned with.

    Very pragmatically, the fight for development means allowing everyone to have access to a dignified life. The necessary resources for the satisfaction of their basic needs: food, healthcare, education and training. C ' is actually from the ground realities and then, closer to the lives of men and women, communities and villages in Africa that development can and should happen. Development happens in the fields close to the realities of the people and their lives in the communities and villages of Africa. Development begins with a person and the smallest basic unit of society, the household.

    Even if the development goes through macroeconomic projects, it is also local, because it is not meant to build wealth at the top, meaning the passive masses.

    The state can create a road, a hospital, a clinic, but it is up to everyone to ensure that their daily meal is provided. That is not the role of the state. The development process finds its meaning with the families. If the condition of the basic units is improved, the state becomes richer.

    It is on the household that the basis of development lies because it is where the cardinal norms of a society are forged and engraved indelibly in the heart of the children. It is first in her womb that are woven the values of work and progress, the respect of law, nature and of humankind. In short, economic and social development depends essentially on the moral and material condition of households».

    Marcel ZADI KESSY

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